Painting on Polytab

How nice to revisit my 2018-2019 commission, the Mary Chapel, for Our Savior Catholic Church near USC’s campus. This 700-square foot mural covers the chapel’s Dome and four walls. I painted it in pieces in my studio on Polytab, a wonderful smooth polyester material that is lightweight, strong, and does not shrink or expand. After the pieces were finished, I then rolled them up for transport in my small car, and then had it professionally installed in the Chapel.

The post just one earlier than this contains information on Polytab, how much it costs, where to buy, weights, sizes and so on.

Painting on strips of Polytab in my studio

Painting on strips of Polytab in my studio

Rolling up the entire 700-square-foot mural and transporting it in my Honda Fit.

Rolling up the entire 700-square-foot mural and transporting it in my Honda Fit.

Installing the mural.

Installing the mural.

Dome as finished and installed in 2019.

Dome as finished and installed in 2019.